Nashid Towhid Nashid Towhid

Mr Vanish

Love for friend

Once upon a time there was Little Mr Vanish. He liked to vanish and surprise everyone. So everybody had to find here and there until they find Litter Mr Vanish. 

One day Mr Vanish completely disappeared. His friends looked for him all over the world but no trace of Little Mr Vanish. His friends knew Little Mr Vanish liked food. So they collected mushroom from Mars, Milk from moon, Pasta from Pluto and created the most exotic pasta dish anyone can find in the planet Earth. 

After hiding for sooooo long actually Little Mr Vanish got hungry and the food smelled soooo delicious Little Mr Vanish couldn’t hide anymore. He had to come out for that most exotic food & what else they had the best pasta party ever! 

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Nashid Towhid Nashid Towhid

Dirty Little Fridge

Showing kindness to others

Once upon a time there was a little fridge. It loved its job of keeping people’s food fresh. People put their foods inside and the fridge put its heart to look after it. Day after day it kept working. 

One day milk spilled and it got dried. Another day cheese expired its date and it started smelling bad. Oh no! Though the little fridge tried its best it couldn’t keep the food fresh as much as it wanted to.

One day a magic happened. A very kind girl named Maddie opened the fridge and she felt very sad to see the fridge in that condition. She immediately sprinkled her magic fairy dust on the fridge and in no time the fridge was shining like a star. To everyone’s delight the little fridge back to its best self again. The little fridge thanked Maddie for her kindness. 

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Nashid Towhid Nashid Towhid

Little Nutella Brownie

Reaching destination

Once upon a time there was a little Nutella Brownie. It’s destination was Keith’s tummy! 

It was waiting patiently in the cafe to be bought by him. But Keith was very health conscious. So even though he went to the cafe, he bought a bowl of salad not that brownie. 

Little Nutella Brownie was sad until Keith’s student came. She wanted to give her teacher a gift but didn’t know what to buy. But she liked brownie so she ended up buying that. Excited little brownie went to Keith’s office in a little packet. 

But the student didn’t give the brownie directly to Keith. She wrote “for you” on the packet and just left it on the desk where Keith was working in the morning. 

Oh no! Little brownie was super anxious! “What if someone else eat me!” - thought little Brownie. 

And that almost happened! Keith was sooo generous even though he found that packet on his desk he didn’t eat that immediately. He offered that brownie to his colleagues first . 

Oh no! The more Keith offered the brownie to others the more anxious the brownie got. 

It almost screamed “noooo” even though silently! Somehow Keith’s hand(!) heard that and he decided I will put that brownie to my mouth. At last Little Nutella Brownie was happy to reach its destination. 

“Home! Sweet home”- it thought! 

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Nashid Towhid Nashid Towhid

Mr Memorable

Hiding is impossible!

Once upon a time there was Little Mr Memorable. He was so memorable that every body he met remembered him!

Every morning Little Mr Memorable got late for the office because of this. He started for the station to go to the office on time but on the way every body he met wanted to talk to him. Whoever Mr Memorable talked had a very happy time with him so no one wanted to let him go. What a problem!

So Little Mr Memorable thought & thought & thought. After thinking for three days he had an idea. He hide himself in a mirror thinking people will leave him alone.

But people loved him so much that they searched & searched & searched. They used their magic brain power to imagine what they would do when they would meet Little Mr Memorable again. That imagination break Little Mr Memorable’s mirror & he had to come out & chat with people again. Poor Little Mr Memorable! 😛

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Nashid Towhid Nashid Towhid

Miss Active

Work is love

Once upon a time there was little miss active. She loved her work & she worked day & night. She worked & worked & worked so hard that she finished all the work of the world. 

Now what she can do? There is nothing to do! What a problem! 

She asked help from Ruhan. Ruhan was good at drawing. He drew steps that went all the way to the moon from this earth. Little Miss active took the steps and up, up, up she went. She reached the moon in no time. There was so many things to do in the moon as there were no body to do anything. Happy little miss active engaged in her work & time flew by. Where will she go next?

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